Friday, July 15, 2011

The End

Winning graciously...

Clearly NOT in the Philadelphia Museum of Art's vocabulary - Unless you count late game apathy which resulted in a dropped pop fly, coverage confusion and general lackadaisical play.
A pleasant surprise, South Philly Tap Room - The middle-aged bar team presumably comprised of anyone and everyone who is remotely decent and frequents SPTR; think New York Yankees of southern Brotherly Love.

Tuesday, July 5 - Philadelphia Museum of Art

Despite a residual euphoria (i.e. fat, lazy and patriotic) from Independence Day weekend, beginning a game already eleven runs in the red is difficult and demoralizing.  However, there really was no choice in the matter - Every other team did it, and if every other team jumped off a bridge...

Resumed Game 11 commenced (then proceeded) with frustration, disappointment and eventual relief come bottom of seven; i.e. the end.  Nothing of note remains as the Ballers lost in a crushing lot to little; true season fashion.

Monday, July 11 AND Tuesday, July 12 - South Philly Tap Room

The final chapter(s) in our perfectly imperfect yet imperfectly perfect season - A pseudo double-header which yielded back to back losses.  In short, game two of said double-header was lost by about ten runs?  Fortunately, game two saw a smaller margin of only five, maybe six RBIs - Or 'poked' in as the Tap Room would say.

Tuesday, April 19 THRU Tuesday, July 12 - Memorial Ballers

American inventor Thomas Edison claimed, "I failed my way to success."  Samuel Smiles (yep, Smiles), early Scottish self-help guru, noted author and reformist said, "We learn wisdom from failure much more than success.  We often discover what we will do, by finding out what we will not do."  In short, call our season an epic fail, disaster, disappointing, even embarrassing - However, I would say, "Never regret something that once made you smile," as "Failure is part of what makes us human."

Here's to humanity, the occasional botched call, having fun, free booze (sometimes) hot dogs with cupcakes, dislocations, heat advisories, bruises, blood and a good ass-kicking - There's always next season!

Cheers Ballers, cheers!